Chemical Sales

Chemical Sales

The sale of agronomic chemicals can be endorsed on to either a seed sales policy for a small additional fee. This offers sub-limit coverage in the amount of $250,000 with a $5000 deductible.

Please see the chemical endorsement page for further details.

The Seed app has a question pertaining to chemical sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ I’ve never heard of this before. Where did it come from?

It is a totally new policy issued by Lloyds of London on request of The Crop Shop, LLC and available thru The Crop Shop, LLC for Seed Sales Representatives and Granular CSA’s.

+ Why do I need this?

You are making professional recommendations in the sale of the agricultural chemical which affects your client’s crop, farm and income for which you may be held responsible.

+ What does it cover?

Recommendations of agricultural chemicals to solve a specific weed, insect or fungus problems.

+ Can it be included in my Seed Sales E&O policy?

It may be endorsed onto each of these policies at a small additional charge with specific sub-limit deductible, limit of liability per claim and aggregate limit.

 Chemical Sales Loss Examples

Recommended broadleaf chemical didn’t work as the sales agent suggested in my corn. Yield loss as a result of broadleaf infestation was 12 bu/A for 240A at $3.50/bu equals $10,080 claim against you. Covered.

Recommended fungicide didn’t work as the sales agent said it would resulting in soybean yield loss of 8 bu/A for 320A at $9.80/bu equals $25,088 claim against you. Covered.

The sales agent suggested combining 2 agricultural chemicals for use in a Management Zone. Crop wilted and died after spraying. Covered.

Misapplication resulted in yield loss of 40 bu/A over 280A at $3.50/bu equals $39,200 claim against you. NOT Covered Application is not included.

The client deviated from label instructions which resulted in significant crop damage. NOT Covered.